Cybersecurity Scam

I am getting customers falling victim to the Microsoft phone scam I have been called twice in the last week


If you receive a phone call from a security 'expert' offering to fix your PC - it's a scam. Here's how to avoid the 'Microsoft phone scam', and what to do if you fear you have fallen victim to it.


Microsoft phone scam: how it works

The scammer calls you, and asks for you by name. They say they are a computer security expert from Microsoft (or another legitimate tech company or a Microsoft 'partner'). The 'security expert' is plausible and polite, but officious. They say that your PC or laptop has been infected with malware, and that they can help you solve the problem. What happens now depends on the particular strain of scam with which you have been targeted.

Some crooks will ask you to give them remote access to your PC or laptop, and then use that access to get hold of your personal data. Others get you to download a tool which they say is the "fix" for your problem, but is actually malware. A more straightforward scam is to simply ask for money in return for a lifetime of 'protection' from the malware they pretend is on your machine.

Here's the important bit: no legitimate IT security company - certainly not Microsoft - is ever going to call you in this way. For one thing, they can't even tell that your PC is infected. They've got your name from the phone book, or any one of the thousands of marketing lists on which your details probably reside. They know nothing about your home computing set up - they're just chancers.

Basically, somebody is sitting in a room calling number after number hoping to find a victim. It's not personal, but it is ultimately dangerous to your financial and technological health.

Microsoft phone scam: what to do if you are called

1. Put the phone down. Get rid of the caller and move on with your life. It is not a legitimate call.

2. During your conversation, don't provide any personal information. This is a good rule for any unsolicited call. And certainly never hand over your credit card or bank details. Just don't do it.

3. If you've got this far, we can only reiterate point number 1: get off the phone. But whatever you do don't allow a stranger to guide you to a certain webpage, or instruct you to change a setting on your PC or download software.

4. If possible get the caller's details. You should certainly report any instance of this scam to Action Fraud.

5. Finally, change any passwords and usernames that could plausibly have been compromised, and run a scan with up-to-date security software. Then ensure that your firewall and antivirus are up to date and protecting your PC.

Oh, and there is a number 6: tell everyone about it. This scam preys on people's insecurity about lack of tech knowledge. It is very easy to be a victim, and the best defence is sharing knowledge. It is much easier to put the phone down if you are forewarned.

Microsoft phone scam: what to do if you have been a victim

First of all don't beat yourself up. This could happen to anyone (and does). You need to change all the personal data that you can change. As much as you might like to you can't change your date of birth, and changing your name and address seems extreme. But you can change all your passwords and usernames, starting with your main email account and any bank- and credit card logins. Also, contact your bank to ask them to be on the lookout for anything dodgy.

Again, use up-to-date security software to scan and cleanse your PC, and if the scammer did get you to do something to your PC using System Restore to roll back the settings is always a good idea. And tell the police. If you have lost money, it's possible your credit card company or contents insurance will cover the loss.




Audio example of the kind of scam that companies will try




Batch file found on another attach

@echo off
FOR /F "tokens=1,2*" %%V IN ('bcdedit') DO SET adminTest=%%V
IF (%adminTest%)==(Access) goto noAdmin
for /F "tokens=*" %%G in ('wevtutil.exe el') DO (call :do_clear "%%G")
echo goto theEnd
echo clearing %1
wevtutil.exe cl %1
goto :eof

And restore had been disabled


Super User

How to Make Thunderbird Automatically Delete Marked Junk Mail

How to Make Thunderbird Automatically Delete Marked Junk Mail


Thunderbird is equipped with a junk email folder that spam and garbage mail goes to by default. The problem is, emails in the junk folder just sit around and take up space until you manually go in and delete them. If you’re careful about what you mark as junk, you won’t need to worry about this folder. Here’s how to send emails that you mark as junk directly to the trash.

Open Thunderbird and select Tools >> Options.

thunderbird tools > options

In the options window click the Security >> Junk tab. Then check both When I Mark Messages as Junk and Delete Them. Click OK to save changes.

options security junk when i mark messages as junk delete them

Now emails that you mark as junk or spam will go straight to the trash and no longer take up space on your local disks.

marked as junk = go straight to trash

Super User

Tesco Bank Scam

 This is an automated message by Tesco Personal Finance Billing Team

Super User